বৃহস্পতিবার, ১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২২

Mathematics Practice for EMBA Entrance Exam Part 1


Quantitative/ Mathematics section of MBA test uses problem solving and data sufficiency questions to gauge your skill level.  To answer mathematical/quantitative questions you require knowledge of the following:
• Arithmetic
• Algebra
• Commonly known concepts of geometry

Problem solving questions are designed to test your basic mathematical skills and understanding of
elementary mathematical concepts, as well as your ability to reason quantitatively, solve quantitative
problems, and interpret graphic data. Few questions from Dhaka University Evening MBA admission test are given below for your understanding of question pattern and difficulty of question.

(**Bold option is the correct answer)

01. What would be the percent increase in the area of a rectangular garden if the length and width of the garden are both increased by 30% ?
    A. 20%         B. 24%         C. 69%         D. 27%         E. 81%

02. In a shipment of 150 machine parts 10% were defective and in another shipment of 100 machine parts 5% were defective. For the two shipments combined, what percent of the machine parts were defective?
    A. 7.5%         B. 8%         C. 8.5%         D. 9%         E. 10%

03. The difference of two numbers is 2 and the difference of their squares is 16. The difference of their cubes will be between:
    A. 50 and 60         B. 60 and 70         C. 80 and 90         D. 90 and 100         E. 100 and 110

04. If a and c are both odd numbers, which of the following numbers must be n even number?
    A. a + c         B. ac         C. ac + 2         D. a + c + 1         E. 2a + c

05. If m + n = 3 and n/m = 2, then n is equal to:
    A. 1         B. 0       C. 2         D. 1.5         E. 0.5

06. How many 4-digit numbers greater than 7,000 can be formed from the digits 3,5,7, 8 and 9?
    A. 48         B. 60         C. 72         D. 80         E. 82

07. Find the approximate future value of Tk 5, 000 at 10% p.a. for 9 months:
    A. Tk 4,375         B. Tk 5,375             C. Tk 6,375             D. Tk 7,375             E. Tk 8,375

08. If x% of 40 is y, then 10x is equal to:
    A. 4y         B. 10y         C. 25y         D. 100y         E. 400y

09. If 25(5^x) = 1, then the value of x is:
    A. -2         B. -1         C. 0         D. 1         E. 2

10. Machine A produces 100 parts twice as fast as machine B does. Machine B produces 100 parts in 40 minutes. If each machine produces parts at a constant rate, how many parts does machine A produce in 6 minutes?
    A. 30         B. 25         C. 20         D. 15         E. 7.5

11. The price of rice goes up by 25% By how much should the consumption of rice be reduced to keep the total expenditure on rice at the previous level?
    A. 25%         B. 20%         C. 33.3%         D. 24%         E. 17.8%

12. The price of rice goes up by 25%. By how much should the consumption of rice be reduced to keep the total machine A produce in 6 minutes?
    A. – 1         B. 2         C. – 2         D. ±3         E. 4

13. What is the rate of discount if a product costing Tk 500 is sold for Tk 470?
    A. 0.05         B. 0.06         C. 0.03         D. 0.03         E. 0.30

14. In a survey of people owing cars or TVs it was revealed that 6% of those surveyed owned a car and 48% of those surveyed owned a TV. If 5% owned both a car and a TV, what per cent of them owned a car, or a TV or both?
    A. 42%         B. 54%         C. 50%         D. 49%         E. 53%

15. A store loses one tenth of its merchandise due to fire. An insurance company reimburses the store for two-fifths of lost merchandise. The insurance company paid the store Tk 8,250. What was the value of the store’s total inventory before the fire?
    A. Tk 2.060         B. Tk 12,875         C. Tk 51,500         D. Tk 206,250         E. Tk 160,000

16. The price of a television set is discounted by 10% and the reduced price is further discounted by 10%. The series of successive discount is equivalent to a single discount of:
    A. 25%         B. 65%         C. 29%         D. 20%         E. 19%

17. An investor wants to have $1 million in 20 years. If the return is 10% compounded annually, what lump-sum amount should be invested to attain the goal of the investor?
    A. $ 100,000         B. $117,459         C. $ 148,644         D. $161,506         E. $500,000

18. If m = n = 3s and m.n.s = 243, then s is equal to:
    A. 4         B. 2√2         C. 3         D. 3√3         E. 9

19. If you distribute Tk 25,800 between two persons at the ratio of 8:2, the difference between their shares would be.
    A. Tk 20,640         B. Tk 15,480         C. Tk 5,160         D. Tk 18,060         E. 12,900

20. If the population of Dhaka doubles every 10 years, how many times the population of the city will be in the year X+ 100 as compared to the years X?
    A. 200         B. 1,990         C. 1,000         D. 100         E. 1,024

21. A number of building blocks were purchased to construct a wall at cost of Tk 40 each, but only 5/6th of them were used. If the unused 290 bricks were returned and their cost refunded, what was the cost of building blocks used to make the wall?
        A. 76,000         B. Tk 22,800         C. Tk 30,400         D. Tk 41,400         E. Tk 58,000

22. A Ding-dong Restaurant Akram and Maisha pay Tk 240 as sales tax after a Tk 4000 lunch. If Maisha had
ordered three more dishes so that their lunch had cost Tk 6,000, how much they would have to pay in sales tax?
    A. Tk 260         B. Tk 600         C. Tk 412         D. Tk 360         E. Tk 375

23. If 2^2x = 8^(x-1), the value of x is equal to:
    A. 2         B. 4         C. 5         D. 6         E. 3

24. A bus uses 18 gallons of petrol in fuel in traveling 270 miles. By how many miles per gallon the fuel mileage of the bus must be increased in order for it to travel the same distance using 10 gallons of petrol fuel?
    A. 8         B. 9         C. 12         D. 15         E. 27

25. In a class of 50 students 30 have taken Economics, 24 have taken Mathematics and 10 have taken both subjects. How many students have taken neither Economics nor Mathematics?
        A. 6         B. 4         C. 2         D. 8         E. 9

26. Toyota Road Tourer goes 15 miles on a gallon of gas when it is driven at 50 miles per hour. When the car is drive at 60 miles per hour it only goes 60% as far. How far will travel on a gallon of gas at 60 miles per hour?
    A. 12 miles         B. 9 miles         C. 20 miles         D. 15 miles         E. 7.5 miles

27. Two cars start from the same point and travel in opposite directions. If one car travels at 45 miles per hour and the other at 60 miles per hour, how much time will pass before they are 210 apart?
    A. 1.5 hours         B. 2 hours         C. 2.5 hours         D. 3 hours         E. 3.5 hours

28. What will be the approximate future value of Tk 1,000 in 10 years at 10% per year if interest in calculated monthly?
    A. 2,000         B. 2,2000         C. 2,500         D. 2,700         E. 3,000

29. You want to earn an annual interest of 10% on a note that you want to buy. What should be the nearest amount (in Taka) that you would pay for the note if it is worth Tk 5,000 and matures in 9 months?
    A. 4,000         B. 5, 500         C. 4,400         D. 4, 750         E. 4, 650

30. You spent a total of Tk 3,000 out of which Tk 300 was spent on meat. What angle was created for meat in a pie-chart?
    A. 100 degree       B. 36 degree          C. 46 degree         D. 60 degree         E. 10 degree      

31. Ahnaaf purchased brand A T-shirts for TK 400 a piece and brand B-T-shirt for Taka 280 a piece. If Ahnaaf purchased a total of 12 of these T-shirts for Taka 4,200, how many brand A T-shirts did he purchase?
    A. 4         B. 5         C. 6         D. 7         E. 8

32. A man borrows Tk 20,000 at 4% compound interest and agrees to pay both the principal and the interest in 10
equal annual installments at the end of each year. What is the amount of these installments?
    A. 2,360         B. 2,415         C. 2,470         D. 2,475         E. 2,510

33. A trader marks up is 100%. During the first week he allows 20% discount on the mark up price. During the
second week he again allows 20% discount on discounted price. How much does the trader make profit on second week’s sale?
    A. 100%         B. 50%         C. 80%         D. 28%         E. 60%

34. If 5y = 2y – 6, what does y + 5 equal?
    A.–3         B. 3         C. 7         D. 5         E. –2

35. If a + √b = x + √y, what will be the value of ab?
        A. a√x         B. b√y         C. √x√y         D. √a√b         E. xy

36. Find out the next numbers in a sequence of 3, 6, 11, 18 …………
    A. 24         B. 25         C. 26         D. 27         E. 28

37. Find out the value of 2a + 2b if a + 2b = 6 and a + b = 10.
        A. 1         B. 4         C. 20         D. –6         E. –20

38. The first 100 copies of a book cost Tk x each. After the first 100 copies have been printed, extra copies cost Tk x/10 each. How much Taka would be required to print 300 copies of the book?
        A. 120x         B. 140x         C. 150x         D. 160x         E. 200x.

39. Distribute 6000 items among 2 girls, 5 boys and 3 men in such a way that a boy will get twice the items a girl gets and a men will get thrice of what a boy gets. How many items 2 men will get?
        A. 200         B. 2400         C. 1200         D. 4800          E. 1000

40. Machine A fills 120 bottles in every 40 seconds and Machine B fills 100 bottles in every 20 seconds. If the two
machines run simultaneously fill, how many seconds will it take to produce a total of 200 bottles?
        A. 20         B. 22         C. 25         D. 28         E. 32

41. If (7.5/.5+x)=10, then x =
        A. 0.3         B. 0.5         C. 2.5         D. 0.1         E. 0.25

42. ABC is an isosceles triangle. Its two sides AB and AC are equal to one another. Its BAC = 20 degree. The baseline BC is extended upto D. Of how many degrees is the angle ACD?
    A. 80 degree        B. 100 degree        C. 90 degree         D. 110 degree        E. 120d degree

43. If the total salary expense of a company in year Y was Tk. 84,000, which was 20% more than in year X, what was the total salary expense in Taka in year X?
    A. 64,000         B. 68,320         C. 70,000         D. 60,000         E. 52,320

44. If a > b > c, then which of the following is true?
    A. a – b < b – c         B. a – c > a – b         C. a + b = b + c
    D. a – c < a – b         E. a + b > 2a

45. What percent of 3/4 is 1/4 of 3/5?
    A. 15%         B. 20%         C. 33 1/3%         D. 75%         E. 80%

46. Between two consecutive numbers if one-fourth of the smaller one exceeds the one-fifth of larger one by 3, find out the numbers.
    A. 64 & 65         B. 60 & 61         C. 44 & 45         D. 40 & 41         E. 20 & 21

47. The integrated value of ax^2 + bx + c (in terms of x) is :
    A.             B.         C.                D. 2ax + b         E.

48. In how many ways can 4 Bangladeshis and 4 Americans be seated at a round table so that no two Bangladeshis
may be together?
    A. 104         B. 124         C. 134         D. 144         E. 154

49. In the final examination 20% students failed in Math and 25% students failed in Bangla. Fifteen percent students failed in both Bangla and Math. If 28 students passed in both Bangla and Math, what is the total number of students?
        A. 40         B. 12         C. 30         D. 56         E. 80

50. Ali lives 4 km north of school and Moshi lives 3 km east of school. A straight road is made between Ali’s house
and Moshi’s house. If the cost of road is Taka 100,000 per km, what is total cost of constructing the road in Taka?
    A. 7,00,000         B. 6,00,000         C. 5,00,000        D. 4,00,000         E. 8,00,000

51. If p is less than q which of the following numbers is greater than p and less than q?
    A. ((p+q)/2        B. (pq)/2        C. q^2– p^2         D. pq         E. q – p

52. Given that a and b are real numbers, let f (a, b) = ab and let g(a) = a^2 + 2, then f [3, g (3)]=?
    A. 3a^2 + 2         B. 3a^2 + 6         C. 27         D. 29         E. 33

53. The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in a certain school club is 3:4. If there are 5 more girls than boys in the club, how many girls are in the club?
        A. 7         B. 8         C. 12         D. 15         E. 20

54. Out of a total of 600 employees in a corporation, 54 percent are females and 25 percent of these females work in research. If 48 percent of the total numbers of employees work in research, how many male employees do not work in research?
    A. 292         B. 98         C. 357         D. 69         E. 149

55. In each production lot for a certain toy, 25 percent of the toys are red and 75 percent of the toys are blue. Half of the toys are size A and Half are size B. If 10 out of a lot of 100 toys are red and size A, how many of the toys are blue and size B?
        A. 15         B. 25         C. 35         D. 40         E. 30

56. One-fifth of the light switches produced by a certain factory are defective. Four-fifths of the defective switches are rejected and one-twentieth of the non-defective switches are rejected by mistake. If all the switches not rejected are sold, what percent of the switches sold by the factory are defective?
        A. 4%         B. 5%         C. 6.75%         D. 18%         E. 13%

57. Hasan’s income is 50% more than Javed’s income, and Javed’s income is 40% less than Babu’s income. What
percent of Babu’s income is Hasan’s income?
        A. 160%        B. 90%         C. 96%         D. 120%         E. 75%

58. At apartment complex z, 30 percent of the residents are men over the age of 18 and 40 percent are women over the age of 18. If there are 24 children living in the complex, how many total residents live in apartment complex z?
        A. 32         B. 80         C. 94         D. 112         E. 124

59. If x > 1 and (√x/(x^3)), what is the value of m?
        A. -7/2        B. –3         C.  -5/2           D. –2         E. -3/2

60. If x is equal to 2 more than the product of 4 and z, y is equal to 2 less than the product of 3 and z, then how much 3x is greater than 4y?
        A. 2         B. –2         C. 12         D. 5         E. 14

61. If the average of the four numbers M, 2M+3, 3M+1 is 63. What is the value of M?
    A. 11        B. 15.75        C. 22        D. 23        E. 25.3

62. Shuma receives 10% raise each year for three consecutive years. What was her salary after three raises if her salary was Tk. 10000 per month?
    A. 13105        B. 13310        C. 14520        D. 14109        E. 15221

63. The sum of an odd and an even number is:
    A. Sometimes an odd number            B. Always an odd number                C. Always a prime number
    D. Always divisible by 2                E. Always divisible by 3, 5, or 7

64. A student has an average of 86 in three examination. What grade must he/she receive on his/her next test to raise his/her average to 88?
    A. 94        B. 90        C. 92        D. 100        E. 96

65. In a group of 9 children, there are twice as many girls as boys, and twice as many right-handed people as there are left-handed people. If a third of the boys are left handed, how many girls are right-handed?
    A. 1        B. 3        C. 4        D. 5            E. 6

66. If m is an integer, then which of the following is the sum of the next two even integers greater than 4m+1?
    A. 8m+2        B. 8m/4         C. 8m+6         D. 8m+8         E. 8m+10

67. The length of a rectangle is three times the width . If the perimeter is 36 cm, the width is:
    A. 9 cm        B. 4.45 cm         C. 13 cm         D. 13.5 cm         E. 18 cm

68. What is the smallest number of apple that can be distributed equally (without cutting any  apple) among 6, 10, 14 or 18 boys?
    A. 1260          B. 315           C. 360          D. 630          E. 780

69. If there are 5 routes for traveling between two places A and B, how many option are there for a person to travel from A to B and return back?
    A. 5            B. 10            C. 9           D. 25            D. 20

70. The quantity of goods produced in firm is given by the equation x^2+5x=6, where x is number of units produced in thousand units. If you solve this equation, what is the rational level of production?
    A. 6000        B. 4000         C. 5000         D. 1000         E. 2000

71. If 3/p=6 and 3/q= 15 then p-q=?
    A. 1/3        B. 2/5        C. 3/10        D. 5/6        E. 5

72. What number should come next of the series: 201, 202, 204, 207,  ------?
    A. 205        B. 208        C. 210        D. 211        E. 213

73. A store usually sells certain item at a 40% profit. In one week, the store has a sale during which the item is     20% less than the usual price. During the sale what is the percent profit the store makes on the item?
    A. 6%        B. 8%         C. 11%         D. 12%         E. 14%

74. The purchase price of an article is Tk 80. In order to include 20% of the cost for overhead and to provide Tk     20 net profit, the mark up should be:
    A. 16%         B. 21%         C. 25%         D. 35%         E. 45%

75. Mr. X invests Tk 2400 in the Brac Bank at 5%. How much additional money must he invest at 8% so that the total annual income will be equal to 6% of his entire investment?
    A. Tk 1200        B. Tk 3000         C. Tk 1000        D. Tk 3600        E. Tk 2400

76.Suppose you begin reading a book on page h and end on age k. if you read each page completely and the page are numbered  and read consecutively, then how many pages have you read.
    A. h+k        B. h-k        C. k-h+2        D. k-h-1        E. k-h+1

77. The length of a rectangle is 7 more than its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is the same as the perimeter of a square of side 8.5, what is the length of a diagonal of the rectangle?
    A. 12        B. 13        C. 23        D. 31        E. 33

78. If one root of the equation 2x^2 + x - k = 0 is 6, what is the value of k?
    A. 90        B. 42        C. 18        D. 10        E. -10

79. If a 10% deposit has been paid toward the purchase of a certain product is Tk 110, how much more remains to be paid?
    A. 880        B. 990         C. 1000         D. 1010        E. 1110
80. Taxi service charge an initial fee of Tk 22.50 at the begining of a tri and an additional charge of Tk 3.50 for     2/5 of a mile traveled. What is the total charge for a trip of 3.6 miles?
    A. Tk 31.50        B. Tk 44.50        C. Tk 45.00         D. Tk 48.00        E. Tk 54.00

81. If 5a=3b=25, then 30ab=?
    A. 50        B. 100        C. 625        D. 1000        E. 1250

82. At a special sale, 5 tickets can be purchased for the price of 3 tickets. If 5 tickets are purchased at this sale,     the amount saved will be what percent of the original price of the 5 tickets?
    A. 20%         B. 33 1/3%        C. 40%         D. 60%         E. 66 2/3%

83. How many prime numbers are there from 1 to 30?
    A. 11         B. 8        C. 9        D. 10        E. 12