রবিবার, ১৬ জুলাই, ২০২৩

7th Bank (Officer Cash) Mcq Question Solution 2023

বাংলা অংশের সমাধানঃ

  1.        চর্যাপদের কোন পদটি অর্ধাকারে/অর্ধেক অংশে পাওয়া গেছে? Answer: ২৩ নং

    2.        নিচের কোনটি মৈয়মনসিংহ গীতিকা? Answer: মলুয়া
    3.        নিচের কোনটি রূপকথাভিত্তিক সাহিত্য রচনা? Answer: উপরের সবকটি (টোনাটুনির বই, কিশোরের মন, বান দিদি)
    4.        'অবক্ষয়' যুগের কবি কে? Answer: ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র গুপ্ত
    5.        বাংলা ভাষায় মুদ্রিত প্রথম গদ্যগ্রন্থ কোনটি? Answer: কৃপার শাস্ত্রের অর্থভেদ
    6.        ‘রাইচরণ' কোন নাটকের চরিত্র? Answer: খোকাবাবুর প্রত্যাবর্তন
    7.        কবি কণ্ঠহার' কোন কবির উপাধি? Answer: বিদ্যাপতি
    8.        নিচের কোন পত্রিকাকে ঘিরে একটি স্বতন্ত্র সাহিত্যিক বলয় তৈরি হয়েছিল? Answer: কল্লোল
    9.        বাংলা ভাষায় সংখ্যা নির্ণয়ের জন্য কয়টি সংখ্যাবর্ণ রয়েছে? Answer: ১০টি
 10.        উচ্চারণ স্থান অনুযায়ী বাংলা শুদ্ধ স্বরধ্বনির সংখ্যা কতটি? Answer: ৭টি
 11.        'কিশলয়' শব্দের অর্থ কি? Answer: গাছের নতুন পাতা
 12.        ‘পানসি’- কোন বিদেশী ভাষা থেকে বাংলা ভাষাতে অন্তর্ভূক্ত হয়েছে? Answer: ইংরেজি
 13.        নিচের কোনটি তৎপুরুষ সমাস এর উদাহরণ? Answer: জীবনানন্দ
 14.        'এ যুদ্ধে বাঁধা দিও না' কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি? Answer: অধিকরণে ৭মী
 15.        'বিসর্জন' এর বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ কোনটি? Answer: আবাহন
 16.        'পাটের ব্যবসায়ী'- এক কথায় প্রকাশ কি হবে? Answer: পাটেশ্বরী
 17.        'চারু' শব্দটির প্রতিশব্দ কোনটি? Answer: রম্য
 18.        মৌলিক ব্যঞ্জন ধ্বনি কতটি? Answer: ৩০টি
 19.        'ষ্ণ' প্রত্যয়যুক্ত শব্দে মূল স্বরের কি হয়? Answer: বৃদ্ধি
 20.        Allegory এর বাংলা পরিভাষা কোনটি? Answer: রূপকধর্মী রচনা
 21.        'ধুয়া ধরা' বাগধারার প্রকৃত অর্থ কি? Answer: আবদার বা ছুতো করা
 22.        ছার' শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ কোনটি? Answer: অধম
 23.        নিচের কোনটি শব্দের পরে বসে? Answer: ক ও খ উভয়ই (বিভক্তি ও অনুসর্গ)
 24.        নিচের কোনটি ভাব প্রকাশক অনুকার অব্যয়? Answer: হায় হায়
 25.        'কালপুরুষ' কোন লেখকের ছদ্ম নাম? Answer: জীবনানন্দ দাশ
ইংরেজি অংশের সমাধানঃ
 26.        Which one of the following is the analogy of LION: ROAR? Answer: Goat: Bleat
 27.        Which of the following resembles OATH: PROMISE? Answer: Contract: Agreement
 28.        What is the antonym of the word EXTEMPORE? Answer: Rehearsed
 29.        Which of the following is the opposite of the word ADORABLE? Answer: Hateful
 30.        Select the term that contrasts AFFABLE- Answer: Unfriendly
 31.        Antonym of the word CLUMSY is Answer: Adroit
 32.        The term AMAZING is same as? Answer: Astonishing
 33.        Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence: 'Everybody was there __ Iqbal'. Answer: Except
 34.        Pick appropriate word and complete the sentence: ‘__ us has been invited.' Answer: None of
 35.        Fill the gap of the sentence- 'The ship is bound Sri Lanka' choosing right preposition. Answer: for
 36.        Fill in the gap of the sentence- 'You are to conform __ the rules of the organization' Answer: To
 37.        Choose the correct replacement of the underlined portion of the sentence 'The child does whatever his father was done'. Answer: does
 38.        Choose from the following options for correcting the sentence: 'You need not come unless you want'. Answer: You don't need to come unless you want to.
 39.        Choose from the following options for correcting the underlined portion of the sentence: 'They were all shocked at his failure in the competition'. Answer: No correction required
 40.        Which of the following words is not singular? Answer: agenda
 41.        Find the misspelt word from the following- Answer: Liason
 42.        'Well, let me recheck it' - the underlined word is Answer: Interjection
 43.        Which one of the following spelling is correct? Answer: Adversity
 44.        Choose the correct spelling from the following? Answer: Bureaucrat
 45.        What is passive form of the sentence "We must take care of all living species on Earth?" Answer: All living species on Earth must be taken care of by us.
 46.        One-word substitution for: 'One who cannot be changed or reformed' is - Answer: Incorrigible
 47.        The phrase "At Arm's Length" means- Answer: At a Distance
 48.        Which of the following is correct? Answer: It is many years since I came to Dhaka.
 49.        Identify substitute word for the following sentence 'One who works for the good of others'- Answer: Altruist
 50.        Choose the indirect speech of 'How old is your mother? he asked me'. Answer: He asked me how old my mother was.
গণিত অংশের সমাধানঃ
 51.        If (2x-1)² = 100, then which one of the following could equal x? Answer: 11/2
 52.        What percent of 700 is 2.17 Answer: 0.3
 53.        If the product of three consecutive integers is 720, then the sum of the two largest integers is- Answer: 19
 54.        Nafiza bought a ticket of a cricket match for Tk. 25 and later sold the ticket to RAida for Tk. 75. What was the percent increase in the price of the ticket? Answer: 200%
 55.        A is 3 years older than B and 3 years younger than C. B and D are twins. How older is C than D? Answer: 6 years
 56.        How many pieces of 85 cm length stick can be cut from a 42.5 meters long stick? Answer: 50
 57.        A glass when full of milk, weighs 1 kg. It weighs 0.75 kg when the glass is half full. What is weight of the empty glass? Answer: 0.50 kg
 58.        A man borrowed some monkey for 120 days. He asked the banker for the money and the banker charged TK. 360 as interest @6% per annum. What was the amount he borrowed? Answer: Tk. 18,000
 59.        How much would I have to pay for a book which cost Tk. 70 to produce, if the printing company sold it to a book seller at 20% profit and the book seller sold it to me at a profit of 25% ? Answer: Tk. 105
 60.        A cake is divided into 18 pieces. If Rehana takes 1/3rd of the cake and Rashed takes 1/3rd of the cake left, how many pieces are left? Answer:
 61.        10 minutes after a plane leaves the airport, it is reported to be 40 miles away. What is the average speed in miles per hour of the plane? Answer: 240
 62.        Of 30 applicants for a job, 14 had at least 4 years experience. 18 had degrees, and 3 had less than 4 years experience and did not have a degree. How many of the applicants had at least 4 years experience and a degree? Answer: 5
 63.        The total salary of X, Y and Z is TK 90,000 X earns twice of what Z earns, and Y earns 1.5 times of what Z earns. What is the salary of Z? Answer: Tk.20,000
 64.        Mr. Khan's salary is Tk. 5000.00 and he gets 10% commission of his salary. If his salary increased by 10%, by what percent his commission will increase? Answer: 10%
 65.        A man's age is now 3 times his son's age. Eight years back, the man's age was 5 times his son's age. What is the present age of the son? Answer: 16
 66.        If 5 students run a mile in 5 minutes, how much time will 50 students take to run a mile? 93 Answer: 5 minutes
 67.        How many numbers from 11 to 50 are there which are exactly divisible by 7 not by 3? Answer: 4
 68.        If length and width of a rectangular plot were each increased by 20%. What would be the percentage increase in the area of the plot? Answer: 44%
 69.        The ratio of the angles of a triangle 2:3:4. What is the largest angle in degrees? Answer: 80
 70.        If a square region has area n. What is the length of the diagonal of the square in terms of n? Answer: √2n
সাধারণ জ্ঞান ও আইসিটি অংশের সমাধানঃ
 71.        In 1997, UNESCO declared the 'Sundarbans' as the- Answer: 798th world's heritage site
 72.        The first floating solar power project of Bangladesh has been undertaken in – Answer: Mongla, Bagerhat
 73.        ECNEC stands for Answer: Executive Committee of National Economic Council
 74.        What is the length of the first Expressway of Bangladesh? Answer: 55 KM
 75.        Which country launched E-passport as the first country in South Africa? Answer: Bangladesh
 76.        The previous name of Nijhum Dwip was Answer: Char Osman
 77.        The largest pyramid of the word is located in Answer: Mexico [Tallest pyramid in Egypt]
 78.        A centimetre is equal to Answer: 10 mm
 79.        World population day is observed on - Answer: July 11
 80.        Who is the Chief Economist of the World Bank? Answer: Indermit Gill
 81.        What is the name of the central bank of China? Answer: People's Bank of China
 82.        DNA stands for - Answer: Deoxyribonucleic acid
 83.        Rajbondir Jobanbondi was written by - Answer: Kazi Nazrul Islam
 84.        Which country first recognized Bangladesh as an independent nation? Answer: Bhutan
 85.        Rupiah is the currency of Answer: Indonesia
 86.        Which sector has the largest share of the GDP of Bangladesh? Answer: Service
 87.        The famous novel 'A Tale of Two Cities' is written by - Answer: Charles Dickens
 88.        The designer of the National Martyrs 'Monument is - Answer: Syed Mainul Hossain
 89.        Which of the following is not in Asia? Answer: Libya
 90.        Which country has largest population in the world in 2023? Answer: India
 91.        Which one is Utility software? Answer: Win Zip
 92.        Which one is the most popular Alternative Delivery Channel (ADCs) in Bangladesh? Answer: Internet Banking
 93.        Which one is the High-Level Programming language? Answer: Python
 94.        URL stands for - Answer: Uniform Resource Locator
 95.        A Gigabyte is equal to - Answer: 1024 Megabytes
 96.        The process of copying files to a CD-ROM is known as - Answer: Burning
 97.        RTGS is a (n) - Answer: Payment system
 98.        Which of the following is the strongest password? Answer: SAXY59*&
 99.        The keyboard command to reboot a computer is - Answer: Ctrl + Alt + Del
100.        If we want to connect a few computers in a small office, all the computers in one building, or all the computers in several buildings in close proximity, Which type of network is required? Answer: LAN